Dear followers,
today I want to look back on the first 3,5 months of this exciting year. I have given 2 very exciting lectures, one hosted by Acando for PMI Sweden Chapter West for 30+ project managers and the other for Connect Sverige Väst in a fully booked TED-talk like session for 80+ investors and other supporters of the startup community. The feedback was overwhelming, obviously I and my colleagues who are also working with transformations, independent if it is M&A related, comes from scaling-up and expanding a business or is triggered by digitalization are needed to support companies in there business. Main problem I see is that small and medium-size companies often don’t know that they can get help of us. They cannot turn to the big 4 (or 10) consultancy firms since their business model fits for big transitions and transformations but not really for smaller ones. This is what we support most and this is also what makes my job so interesting: with re-use of all my experience and a relatively small specific effort I can help those clients so much in their ambition to really achieve their business targets. After Easter I will go to London to talk on a pure M&A conference, will you tell more about that experience next time.
Most of the ongoing engagements are either to early or in a too sensitive phase so I cannot tell you yet, but there are some exciting news to share. I also was first time in my life on the ISH fair in Frankfurt, a huge fair for plumbing, heating, etc. Impressive how such a traditional industry can show new innovations all the time. And one of those innovations we will bring to the Nordics, it is very energy efficient and user friendly since remote controllable electric radiators. Yes, it is cool: you just need an app on your smart-phone and you can protect your cabin from damage due to freezing water, you can turn on the heat hours before you arrive there. And the nice thing is that those radiators have a stone inside that stores the heat, so you get the same radiation heat and the same feeling as we like so much from our traditional Swedish stoves, Now we will work together with the German producer to introduce them in the Nordics, from May they will be available in Sweden, and we will also work with our neighbour countries soon. Translation to Swedish and first logistic concepts are ready, so now it is time to go public with this project. If interested, check out this new generation of heaters.
Lat but not least I also want to congratulate Isabella Palmgren and her Mimbly for winning a great innovation award and 500 kUSD investment in the company that will do a lot of good to our environment. In my pro-bono role as jury head for Venture-cup West I feel proud that even Silicon valley now has detected the potential that my valuable jury colleagues have seen in that already some time ago! I finish here for today, wish you all a Happy Easter and will be back with an M&A update fresh from the university of Warwick’s conference in London!