YOU IN CHARGE – Herwig Stöckls erstes publiziertes Buch (in Englisch)
“You need to take the lead!”
First time I heard this it made me feeling really inconvenient – today I do not see this as any problem anymore. As a father confronted to take care of my baby child for the first time, I felt insecure if I will manage – after a while I got all self-confidence and did never doubt again. Does this sound familiar for you, in your private life or your profession? Then I can confirm you are not alone. And there are tons of literature about it. I realize that I just add another book to it, but my book is different and it provides you with good tools and specific support. In eight chapters I share practical advise and experience with you. Each chapter consists of
- A theoretical or scientific explanation
- One or some examples from the non-profit life (child education, relationship, from my time as “kindergarten cop”, soccer, etc.)
- One or some examples from the professional life
- A reminder for you to note down your own personal example
- An executive summary of the main message
- An exercise for you to train what you should have learned
- An empty page (= idea page), so that you can write down your comments, ideas, questions to the topic. Don’t get afraid taking notes in this book. You will not destroy anything, you will generate new value!
These eight leadership principles are proven at work, in school and at home. I have applied them successfully as a professional leader in different industries over the last 30 years, as well as a youth soccer trainer, as a father of four now grown-up children and in other context. I can tell you that I learned more from practically using them then from theoretical studies of books or studies at university. This book shall challenge you to practically apply all principles yourself.
Read, enjoy and learn from real life experience!
Bestellbar auf Amazon: You in charge: Read, enjoy and learn from real life experience: Stöckl, Herwig: 9789198726800: Amazon.com: Books
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